Thursday, October 24, 2013

Graphic Novels and my NaNoWriMo Idea

Hey all,
There is one short story of mine that I really think would be better suited as a graphic novel or even a webcomic, but I can't draw for crap. I can do awesome stick figures but that wouldn't do the story justice. I tried to get myself to practice drawing but that didn't last long--somehow I am more motivated to jog every other day than I am to draw (weird!). I don't specifically know if there are any programs out there that are user-friendly that basically draw for you, though Bitstrips on Facebook looks like it has potential, I just don't know if they technically own whatever is made with it, if that were the case than no thanks! I'm going to look more into this though.

My idea this year for NaNoWriMo actually started from a writing prompt the writing group I'm in submitted to us. It was to write a short story either about sound or a lack of sound. Here's the flash fiction piece I'm drawing my inspritation from for my NaNo novel!

Melissa Bergum

Tap. Tap. Tap.
Eve glanced at her window cautiously over her home-made quilted blanket. Her knuckles were turning white from gripping the covers so tightly. Her older sister Samara made fun of her relentlessly for insisting on having a nightlight even though she was nine years old. Tonight was the first night she did not have it on.
Moonlight made its way through her soft pink curtains that cast shadows which danced manically about her room now. Eve shut her eyes quickly, pulling the cover over her head. She sunk down into the bed. Shadows are sometimes scary. She thought to herself, trying to be reassuring.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
A small squeal escaped pathetically from Eve’s clenched throat. It’s just the tree. It’s just the tree. Eve opened her eyes; the darkness they provided was no more comforting than the shadows. Slowly, almost as slow as the swirl-shelled snail she had seen earlier that day, she brought the covers back down. Samara would surely make fun of her if she knew Eve was frightened by a tree. Exhaling, Eve dipped her toes out from under her blanket and pushed herself to the edge of the bed. Her feet found the soft carpeted floor seconds later.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
            The tapping was getting more insist, more frequent.
Samara isn’t going to make fun of me anymore. She thought as she approached the window.
Only hesitating for a moment, Eve pulled apart her curtains widely, expecting to see only the tree that had always been outside of her window. A loud gasp escaped Eve as she starred through the window at a lovely person. She looked to have blue-green skin with beautiful wings like a dragonfly’s. The woman had a dress made of leaves and vines that wrapped snugly about her. One long outstretched finger now rested on the glass.
With her mouth agape, Eve reached her finger up to the window and pressed it in the same spot as the lovely lady. Vibrant green and blue light burst from the lady’s wings. A small smile started on her face, she was looking at Eve. Eve smiled back. Then the smile grew to cover half of her face, when her lips parted Eve was face to face with gigantic, razor teeth.
Eve stumbled backward, quivering. The glowing creature looked to Eve’s left. Panicked, Eve looked to her left and saw the shadow of the lady walking towards her. Paralyzed, Eve could not move or scream as the shadow approached her. The only sound that rang out in the night as Eve was grabbed was the tapping of the tree branch.

Thanks for reading and visiting! Any and all comments are appreciated :D


  1. I love the idea of that story being a graphic novel! I can totally picture it.

    1. The story that I'm thinking of specifically isn't even one the writing group has read, maybe I'll share it next time!
