Hi all,
I think I finally have to accept that I'm growing up, staying up late is much harder for and recovering from it even harder. I stayed up until 1:30 Wednesday playing video games just because I could, at least that night I didn't slam down several cups of coffee and some soda on top of it. I even managed to make myself jog 5k Thursday morning, but I pretty much came back to my apartment and napped after showering--napping is a wonderful thing, I believe in it's awesomeness.
Then Thursday evening my husband and I and some friends met at a Perkins for a NaNoWriMo kickoff writing session. Many of us were chugging coffee or caffeinated beverages counting down the minutes to midnight. 2000 words later and at 3 am we finally headed home. I had had at least four cups of coffee and one cup 20 oz cup of caffeinated soda throughout the time we met up and left. I'm very certain I'm going to have a caffeine hangover today (terribly headache and such). But it was totally worth it. I got to hang out with friends and write. I was so excited for the start of NaNo that I was almost to the point of nervousness!
Starting my story wasn't terribly hard, I at least had the beginning more or less planned, but chapter 2 was a little harder to start--it was uncharted territories of the story plot! Frightening. I did just stare at the computer screen for a few minutes, something I generally try to avoid during the adventure of NaNo. It was very nice to kick NaNo off with others though in that it helped motivate me to continue. Though my husband decided and my friends agreed that I should have to write 100,000 words but it was talked down to 80,000 words this year instead of 50,000 because I've been successful so many years in a row. Totally not fair, and yet I kind of want to try to make that possible? Maybe. I don't know if I'll have time once my other class starts up, but who knows what possibilities will be in store for me in this NaNo season of crazy-awesomeness!
As an aside, anyone who does write or is thinking about it, you should try NaNo! It's fun and it's not too late to start. You don't have to get 50,000 words, you can just set yourself a goal to do X many words total or you can set a goal of writing every day for X amount of time. This could really help you get your creative juices flowing!
Thanks for stopping in,
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