Sorry it's been yet another lengthy time between posts! I finished NaNoWriMo last night, I've been working crazy hard to get all my words in, I think I wrote 5,000 words or so yesterday alone. Now I can say I've officially made it to 80,000 words! I must say, never again. I will not ever agree to write that many words in a month again. I seriously think it messed with my brain a little bit, there were times when I felt almost like I was drunk when I'd had nothing at all to drink. BUT I am glad I challenged myself to do this. It was one crazy awesome fun experience. I just didn't do a whole lot else this November. I'm going to give myself a break from writing for a few days, but only to do homework....
I did find a handy way to trick myself into writing a lot of words one of the days. I took a post-it note, covered it with permanent marker, and then put it over the clock on the computer. I set an alarm on my phone for when I could be done. I also could not neck my word count in that time. I thought by the time the alarm went off that I'd written maybe 3,000 words. I was way off. I ended up writing over 5,000 words in that one sitting. It felt like a mega accomplishment to get that many words in, my mind was seriously a little blown that day. That trick only worked once for me though. I tried it two more times after that and ended up eventually removing the post-it or checking my word count. Maybe I pushed myself a little too hard that first trial with the post-it note trick.
Poor Cleo has a cold now, she's been sneezing and she clearly sounds stuffed up, this kitty just can't get a break! The vet recommended having Cleo kept in the bathroom while the shower was running as a steam treatment, the vet thought maybe part of Cleo's sneezing was due to the air being too dry for her. I think it's been helping so far though Cleo gets annoyed fairly quickly with it. I can't blame her either.
Also, it totally snowed again, Monday I woke up to this:
Oh Wisconsin, you can be cruel sometimes. This time the snow is sticking too. The last time it snowed a good portion of the snow melted over the next couple of days, however it is still rather wintery white out now.
And now, the pictures you've been waiting for: Cats (and a related picture)!
Bailey helping Chris play DDR.
I found this in my shoe one morning from Bailey,
I am glad it's only a toy mouse.
Cleo is helping Chris with NaNoWriMo,
she's doing her best to motivate him.
I'm going to try to get better about posting from now on since I no longer have the excuse of NaNo, I promise!
Thanks for stopping in,