Although the first year I did NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) it was a challenge in that I did not know what to expect, I think this year will have it's own sets of challenges. I only have a flash fiction to base my novel off of for starters. I've also never really written anything super dark and creepy before and this is what I'm setting out to do. I think in the coming days to NaNo I am actually going to do some planning, weird I know. One suggestion made by a writing buddy of mine that they learned from an accomplished author is to write down pertinent details and descriptions on note cards. I think I'll do that, at least for character descriptions and setting descriptions. I have found that if I'm not careful when writing for NaNo characters and sometimes settings do deviate from what they initially looked like, it happens to the best of us I'm sure and certainly happens to amateurs like me! It will also make editing easier if I keep things consistent and I already dread editing.
I do think that no matter how talented of a writer you think you may or may not be, at least attempting NaNoWriMo can help you develop as a writer. First and foremost it gives you a deadline to stick to. It helps keep you on track with a handy dandy little chart that says what your average should be at X date. It also forces you to write and not wait for the "right time"--you can't wait or else you'll fall behind! Not being able to go back an edit as you write really helped me my first year doing NaNo as well. Even if you end up stopping after a week of doing NaNo, or a day, you've written something! It may even help you get in a routine of writing once NaNo is completed. I generally set aside a specific time of day to do my writing, especially for NaNo.
Thanks for stopping in and reading!
I would like to leave you with two images, one of a Lego pyramid I decided to build Friday night, the other of an adorable kitten attacking a paper towel roll that is bigger than him.
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