Thursday, June 12, 2014

Do Something Daring!

Hey all,
Last night as I tried to sleep I was bombarded with ideas on how to change a story I've been working on and one that the writing group I'm in has been critiquing. I'm thinking of completely cutting out a character! I kind of feel like I'm killing him in an odd way, I know a bit melodramatic, but still. I've never just completely taken an important character out of a work that is mostly finished! I believe my main reason for considering cutting him out is that I think he might be a crutch for me. Jeremiah served as a knowledgeable outsider that steps in to help (eventually). I know that as I was writing the story in the haste of NaNoWriMo that I eventually had an oh shit moment of what to do with him, his story ends up winding off in a weird way. So instead I was thinking of focusing more heavily on the main character Eve and her sister Samara and how they deal with Eve's kidnapping, etc. I think removing Jeremiah would help me build Eve as a stronger character in that she can't just rely on him as she does at times. It would also feed into her fear more if she truly was alone in the strange world of Faerhavan. I think I'm also going to make her older. Here's to hoping this only improves the story, but if it doesn't I'll still have the original to play around with!

Are you doing anything daring with your writing? :)

Thanks for reading,